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Saturday, June 15, 2013

It has always been my wish that, whatsoever the constraints  be, my first blogpost should seem as natural as it could be.When i pen down this , my mind is as blank as my relationship status in Facebook.Never have been much to blogging because i have  always had this notion that it was never my cup of tea.So naturally i myself would think,then why do you take so much interest in making up this post all in a haste.Coincidentally i would iterate the same answer which i have been giving for many such questions in numerous other situations : " dude , if you had an idea of what all you have been doing,you would have been more than just the dude you are ,by now ".Well,that reply seemed to be the crappiest of all i have given and heard.But just in case you noticed,i have vowed to be natural , right at the inception of this crap.So me  being a mannerless dude who struggles to complete a blogpost,i guess you too might be thinking that i am already on fire to do the same ASAP.Well,in that case,i couldn't agree more with you.You get a chocolate.I had thought of numerous other topics to get going to concoct this very first post of mine,all of which eluded me because of one reason or the other.So here i lie down,watching the ceiling fan making periodic funny movements,thinking how so-called great authors finish up so-called great books so promisingly and fill their shelves with prizes and what not?

Well,catch phrases it a blogpost or a book,catchphrases are very very important.You either make up one yourself  or copy it from some other nerdy guy's work.But being this arrogant guy who always wants his head up, i resolved to do it all by myself : "Get going or get out " was all i could come up with for the time being.Inspiration courtesy can be tracked upto the proverb which goes somewhat like 'A rolling stone gathers no moss' or something similar.So hopefully that sheds some light upon the creepy stuff i am doing right now.Come what may ,others think what may,i should get myself going on this.Else probably i should stop it without another word falling off the tip of my fingers.Pretty tough a decision.Still,the catch phrase of the post should stand a chance of relevance to bring a showcase to the topic,right?.And alas,people prefer happy endings too.So i guess in that case i should get going on this and hence  may be we will meet again.You reader..yes,'s too evident from  the skewed way you maintain one of your cheeks right now,how shitty this whole shit apparently is.But cope with it  old sport,the best is yet to come.It's just the beginning.Or may be atleast so be it for the time being.Pardon me if i don't keep up  my word.I am not known for the same anyway.I have to get started atleast to get going,isn't it??

No,it's not over yet.You have no idea how hard it has been to put in places those words of mine to pull out such an indecent stuff to post here.And what is a post if it doesn't have quotations or proverbs or great sayings??..So it seems i made up my mind to post along with this the best lyrics to come across when you are  sailing through tough times.It gives me immense pleasure to end this post savoring this favourite lyrics of mine.I'm dead sure,you too would enjoy it .

When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark
At the end of the storm
There's a golden star (sky)
And the sweet silver song of a lark

Walk on...
Through the rain...
Walk on...
Through the rain
Walk through the wind
And your dreams be tossed and blown...

Walk on... (walk on)
Walk on... (walk on)
With hope (with hope)
In your heart...
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone.

Walk on... (walk on)
Walk on... (walk on)
With hope (with hope)
In your heart...
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone.

You'll never...
You'll never walk alone...

Walk on... (walk on)
Walk on... (walk on)
With hope (with hope)
In your heart...
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone.

You'll never walk...
You'll never walk alone...

                                                                                           Signing off with love.

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